Why Diamond Inscription Numbers Are Important

Many items in our world today include some sort of serial number or another. Aside for their original purpose of inventory, they don't seem like much importance to us. However, the inscription numbers found on a GIA certified diamond are quite different from those other numbers in that they play an extremely important role in the safety of your stone. Each GIA certified diamond with a serial number is registered in the GIA records with the name and contact information of he who sent the stone in to be assessed.

The number is inscribed on girdle of the diamond, and if found, can be looked up in order to track down who rightfully owns it. This is precisely what occurred just recently to a newly engaged couple, who, if not for these ingenious identification numbers, would have never seen their diamond again.

 The Argyle inscription on a diamond

The laser inscribed serial number on an Argyle pink diamond

Lost Diamond Ring Returned to Lawndale Woman

Miriam Castellanos, of Lawndale, California, was devastated to discover one morning that her beautiful diamond engagement ring was missing. Luckily, a very honest woman from El Sugando was alert enough to notice a shiny object on the ground as she was pumping fuel into her car at the gas station. After notifying the authorities regarding the find, the ring was appraised and then looked up through GIA so that it could be reunited with its owner. Somehow the ring had managed to slip off of Miriam’s finger while she was at a Costco gas station in Hawthorne. The ring was estimated at $15,000 and was luckily returned to the ecstatic couple.

About the Inscriptions

As wonderful as it is to know that diamonds can be traced to their owners, it also might concern some that something is inscribed on their diamond. No need to worry because such inscriptions are only detectable by a very select few, and only with the appropriate tools. You cannot easily see numbers on it, nor do they become apparent with a simple diamond loupe or average magnifying glass. They require much more high-powered equipment to be seen. These inscriptions are here to protect diamonds while maintaining their beauty.

 A diamond loupe

A diamond loupe, for examining diamonds at a 10X magnification

Thanks to the wonderful technology we have today, diamonds can be marked in such a way that they can be returned to their owners in case they are lost. Furthermore, a serial number can also help track a stone once purchased. Imagine this, these little piece of data can help thwart against diamond thefts since if someone if offered something too good to be true and looks into it, they can essentially identify if the stone was reported as stolen in the past. This is done, all the while keeping their beauty intact. Not every person who comes upon a diamond will be honest enough to return it. Similarly, not all lost diamonds are found. Therefore much precaution regarding one’s diamond should always be taken as well as ensuring that the stones are properly insured.

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