The Late Paul Walker Secretly Paid for Soldier’s Engagement Rings

Many of us were quite shocked and saddened by the sudden and premature passing of movie star Paul Walker. The blond, talented, good-looking actor was well known for his roles in the Fast and the Furious franchise, as well as his other movie roles. What many fans are not aware of are the many acts of kindness that Walker engaged in, quietly and anonymously, never bringing attention to him.

In light of his passing, stories of his good deeds are beginning to surface. One story in particular caught our attention, as it involves a beautiful set of diamond engagement rings that a young soldier, returning from his first tour in Iraq, and his lovely fiancé were looking at but could not afford. What happened next is truly remarkable.

The Story

Several years ago, a handsome man walked into a jewelry store where he was soon recognized by one of the employees. As he browsed through the jewelry, he noticed a young couple, a soldier and his fiancé, looking at various engagement rings. He overheard the soldier quietly tell his fiancé that the set she was pointing out, priced at $10,000, was just too expensive for him. Without making a scene, the handsome man, who was the late Paul Walker of course, went over to the store manager and told him to put the rings on his bill. After that he quickly slipped out of the store, never leaving a trace of his good deed. The couple was overwhelmed with joy when they were told their dream rings were already paid for. Although they repeatedly inquired about the generous donor, they were never told. After his tragic death, the saleswoman felt obligated to come forth with the identity of the mysterious benefactor in order to honor his name.


The Moral

There is much to take away from this sweet and touching story. Many do-gooders simply walk around this Earth unnoticed, and they are perhaps the most commendable for they receive zero benefit or recognition for their actions. Another moral from this story is that one should never give up on his or her dream, whether it is a pricey engagement ring or anything else that seems out of reach. Who knows? With the right help and under the right circumstances, the dream just may come true.

LEIBISH has a vast collection of dreamy engagement rings as well as other color diamond jewelry pieces. The prices vary greatly and you will be pleasantly surprised to discover that the products cater to a wide range of customers.

engagement rings 

Various Leibish Engagement Rings

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