Notorious Diamond Thieves Caught

One of the biggest concerns diamond and jewelry store owners and businesses have is potential burglaries and heists. Yes, such crimes mean taking extreme risks, but unfortunately there are enough desperate and greedy people out there willing to try their hand at various sorts of robberies.

Read about a $50 million dollar diamond heist!

Luckily for us standup citizens, there are talented detectives and police officers out there that are successful at tracking down the guilty perpetrators and having them sent off to jail where they belong. Every thief caught can be considered a victory, but when several burglars have been caught as part of a gang that has been hitting jewelry stores across the United States for years, the victory is that much sweeter.

The Thieves

Several burglars who have come to be known as the newest “Bling Ring” crew, have been working together and moving across the United States, stealing pricey diamonds and jewelry from high-end jewelry stores. Led by Michael Young, believed to be the ringleader of the group, the gang also consists of Trey Adams, Jack Cannon, and Ernest Remor. Young was sentenced to slightly less than ten years, Adams got seven years, Canon was given thirty years on a charge of armed robbery, and Remor was also sentenced to ten years in prison. Victor Lupis is another thief believed to be part of the gang. It was Lupis who was first caught and led the authorities to the other gang members. Lupis was sentenced to just two years in prison.

The Burglaries

From a burglary in Vero Beach, Florida five years ago to a Portland, Oregon jewelry store heist in 2010, where police caught Lupis, thanks to an informer, there have been a fair share of burglaries. Upon Lupis’s arrest the police learned that he was not working alone, but rather, was part of a ring of thieves who were hitting stores nationwide. Each robber had his own special job, and would never attempt to rob a store if he wasn’t completely confident that he could do it quickly and smoothly. The gang managed to steal from twenty-seven stores in nine different states, leaving each business, and state for that matter, utterly stunned. Despite their immense “success,” the criminals had one major flaw; their haughtiness displayed through social media. Yes, these egotistical thieves were stupid enough to brag about their loot, and the money they managed to sell it for, by posting about it multiple times on social media. Pictures depicting thick wads of cash could be seen held by the proud, smiling, crooks.

The Loot

While one heist ended with “just” a couple of diamond rings, after having asked a store employee to see a few rings, another managed to pocket $100,000 worth of jewels. Altogether the “Bling Ring” team stole $3 million worth of jewels.

Stories like this offer some security about being an online diamond and jewelry store!

Though these criminals’ arrogance makes having them caught even more enjoyable, seeing justice prevail always gives one a warm and fuzzy feeling; restoring faith in humanity and giving us hope for the future. Diamond and jewelry businesses must take heed from this movie-like story: always be on the alert and ensure that your store is properly protected and insured.

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