Most Valuable Piece of Jade Discovered

The lifting of the ban against importing goods from Myanmar (Burma) came just in time for the discovery of what could possibly be the most expensive piece of jade on the planet. A jadeite stone weighing 175 tons and measuring 18 feet long, 19 feet wide, and 9 feet high was unearthed in Myanmar and is estimated at $170 million! That sets the record as the largest single piece of jade ever to be mined.

Plans for the Stone

The enormous jadeite stone will probably make its way to China where it will be turned into various pieces of jewelry including necklaces and bracelets, as well as sculptures of all sizes.

Lucky Find

At first, the miners who uncovered this monumental gemstone in Kachin State couldn’t believe their luck. Then they realized it is a national discovery and belongs to the country. In the words of Sao Min, one of the miners, “It is in honor of our leaders.” While not every piece of jade found in the region is of this caliber, the jade industry in Myanmar does make up around 50% of its GDP, which amounts to a $50 billion revenue.

About the Mine

Discovered in Hpakant, the main jadeite producing mine in Myanamar, the stone is equivalent in size to two 9-square-feet houses. The Yadanar Taungtann Company is said to own this now rather famous mine.

Jade might not be as popular as other stones such as emeralds and diamonds, but it is certainly a lovely and more affordable option. As for the rest of the fine gemstone world, this find will work wonders for all the most popular fine gemstone jewelry available. Even if it isn’t Jade that most users are after, it will help bring the beauty of emerald engagement rings, ruby earrings, and sapphire pendants to the eyes of the public, and just in time for the upcoming Holiday Season!

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