Casting the Model

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 Step 5:

Casting the Model

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Once the model is completed, the casting process can begin. The wax model is attached to a casting tree, where molds for each of the jewelry pieces are created. Each section of the jewelry is created separately so that every piece can be properly prepared prior to assembly. This process is actually referred to as multi-part casting since the model is manufactured in separate parts.

A plaster mold is created around the wax tree, and after a vacuum process to remove any air bubble, the model dried. At that point the wax within is actually burnt out, leaving a negative mold of the jewelry. The molten Gold or Platinum is poured into the flask mold and eventually cools.

The plaster mold is stripped from around the gold or platinum, and the tree remains with the various attached jewelry sections, which are removed and sent for assembly.

 Casting Oven

The Casting Oven

 Casting Oven Heat

Casting Oven Heat

 Casting Holder

Casting Holder

 Building the Casting Tree

Building the Casting Tree

Casting Tree

Casting Tree Before and After


Medal Casting Tree

 A 3D Model and its Manufactured Product

A Medal Casting and It's Created Ring

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Step 5: Casting the Model

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