UPS Employee Steals Package Containing a $160,000 Diamond

Diamonds are incredibly easy to transport and can often be quite valuable, making them a perfect score for thieves. Therefore, as upsetting as a diamond theft might be, they are by no means considered surprising. What does come as a surprise is finding in an unmarked stolen package, a diamond worth $160,000! This was the case when a UPS employee stole a package, which turned out to include a very valuable stone.

The Stolen Package

A young, and apparently not very intelligent UPS employee decided to do the immoral and potentially job threatening thing and steal one of the many UPS packages that he comes across on a daily basis. The package contained a diamond, worth $160,000. This is something the young lad could have never imagined, had he actually understood its worth, but he was under the impression the package contained cash. Clearly he knew he could swap it with something, but he stupidly exchanged the pricey rare gem for $20 worth of marijuana. Not only did this individual make a very ignorant move, he also got caught.

Diamond Thefts

Unfortunately, diamond thefts are becoming more and more common as people with criminal minds all over the world come up with sophisticated as well as simplistic plans to get their hands on these small but valuable items that will provide them with instant wealth. For example, in July 2013, some diamond thieves managed to get away with $136 million worth of stolen diamonds and jewelry. Whether it is robbing a jewelry store, conducting a “diamond swap,” or breaking the stones out of vaults, diamonds thefts are on the rise. This brings up the absolute need for solid diamond insurance as well as a secure location for storing the precious stones.

Perhaps even more shocking than an employee of a major corporation such as UPS stealing a package while on duty and trading it for an illegal drug substance without realizing the diamond’s worth, is the fact that someone out there actually thought it was normal not to send such an expensive piece of jewelry through armored transport. With all due respect to the delivery service, there are just some things where it’s worthwhile investing a little more and sending it properly, and sending a $160,000 diamond is one of them.

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