The Teen Who Found a Diamond - Turning Yellow into Green

You may recall a recent story about the discovery at Crater of Diamonds State Park in Pike County, Arkansas, about 14 year old Tana Clymer of Oklahoma City and her discovery of a 3.85 carat yellow diamond that she named the God's Jewel Diamond.

Since the park has a “finder-keepers” policy, Tana got to keep her treasure. And although at the time of her find she was unsure as to what to do with her diamond, it was assistant park superintendent, Bill Henderson who reported at the time of the find, “She's either going to keep the diamond for a ring, or if it's worth a lot, she'll want that for college.”

Well, six months down the track she has made her decision and it seems as though she has a really nice head start on her college tuition, as she sold the diamond for the princely sum of $20,000.

You don't need to have a college degree in advanced mathematics, or any other subject for that matter, to realize that the $5 park admission fee together with the two hours that Tana spent searching for the diamond have given her an hourly income far exceeding that which she would've earned flipping burgers or waiting tables.

You also wouldn't bet against the probability that Tana will make a return visit to the park to try and finance the remainder of her college tuition. Tana stated at the time of her find, “I think God pointed me to it. I was about to sprint to join my family, and God told me to slow down and look. Then I found the diamond.” God has been known to perform more than one miracle, so why can't lightning strike twice? If this event were to come to pass, a future in geology is definitely something that Tana should consider.

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