The Supreme Purple Star: The King of All Purple Diamonds

Perhaps the most interesting detail regarding the intriguing Supreme Purple Star diamond is the fact that its exact carat weight is not known. The stone is believed to be somewhere between two and five carats and displays an intense purple color. Another interesting fact is that the round brilliant diamond appears to be purple from certain angles but can also look crimson when viewed in different lightings. Like many other famous diamonds, much about this stone’s history and details is unknown. Furthermore, the earliest known fact regarding the Supreme Purple Star dates back to only 25 years ago.

The History

First appearing in London in 2002, the diamond’s anonymous owner had every intention of selling the stone, which he believed to be a different gemstone. Though it is hard to believe one would not know that this stone was a diamond, given its firmness and all, the unique combination of the purple and red colors could indeed be misleading. The phenomenon is actually incredibly unusual and inexplicable. The only acceptable answer is that the stone possesses the two rarest colors of all color diamonds: purple and red. Not only that, but the two colors appear in the same stone separately, something that has not been seen in any other diamond.

About Purple Diamonds

Purple diamonds are considered among the rarest diamonds along with red and violet diamonds. Like pink diamonds, it is believed that the purple diamond’s voyage to the earth’s surface is the cause for the stone’s stunning purple color, as opposed to an element, such as nitrogen or boron, often found in various diamonds that can be responsible for a stone’s hue. A process known as post-growth plastic deformation occurs when a diamond journeys from the earth’s mantle to its surface through magma and is responsible for a purple diamond’s color. 

Browse through all the purple diamonds we are currently holding in stock.

Natural Purple Diamonds

An intense pinkish purple, next to a vivid purple, and a vivid pinkish purple

Other Famous Purple Diamonds

Due to the rarity of the color, there are not many famous purple diamonds. In fact, there are only two; one being the Supreme Purple Star. The second famous purple diamond is the Royal Purple Heart Diamond. The latter stone is a 7.34-carat, fancy vivid purple, heart-shaped diamond, which originated from Russia.

LEIBISH Purple Diamonds

Despite purple diamonds being so incredibly rare, LEIBISH carries an impressive collection of purple stones including those with light, fancy, fancy intense, and fancy deep color intensity levels. An exquisite jewelry piece that proudly displays one of these rare specimens is the fancy deep pinkish purple solitaire ring. It is both regal and simple. The fancy pinkish purple cushion diamond ring is one of Leibish’s finest designs and is worth checking out just to admire its beauty.

The Purple Orchid

The Purple Orchid Diamond 

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With a notorious reputation both for its beauty and its history at auction, the Pink Dream was rejected after it was sold to a consortium of buyers, who backed out due to lack of desire to pay.

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The Florentine was once the great yellow diamond of the Medici Family. Fancy Diamonds is a GIA certified leading online diamond store selling colored diamonds.