The Spirit of de Grisogono Diamond

With a total carat weight of 312.24 carats, the Spirit of de Grisogono, is the world’s largest cut black diamond and the world’s fifth largest diamond altogether. To show off this natural wonder’s splendor, the stone is set in a white gold ring studded with 702 colorless diamonds amounting to 36.69 carats worth of diamonds. Named after the man who cut it, de Grisogono, the enormous black diamond was bought by the owner of the Gruosi Diamond, yet another famous black diamond, Fawaz Gruosi. Believed to have been mined in Central Africa, the original rough diamond weighed in at 587 carats. The diamond has since been sold to a private buyer.

The History

Little is known about the history of this monumental diamond, other than its possible origin being Central Africa. Fawaz Gruosi, the man who made black diamonds relevant in the late 90s purchased the stone and had it cut by the famous black diamond cutter, de Grisogono. Gruosi had the large stone appropriately named after the seasoned diamond cutter, who used the old Mogul diamond cutting technique to cut the stone.

Black Diamonds

Black diamonds are different from other color diamonds in that they only have one color intensity level: Fancy Black. They are opaque stones that are very dark; yet display the qualities of a diamond. Both fancy white and red diamonds are also color diamonds that are only found with one color intensity level. Graphite inclusions as well as random clustering that can be found throughout the stone causes diamonds to display a black color. Black diamonds are far more abundant than other color diamonds and can generally be more affordable.

Other Famous Black Diamonds

There are several other famous black diamonds, many of which are also quite large in size. Some examples include the Black Moon, the Black Diamond of Bahia, the Amsterdam Diamond,  the Gruosi Diamond, and of course the Black Orlov Diamond. The Black Moon is a 27.77-carat faceted black diamond, the Black Diamond of Bahia is a 350-carat rough diamond, and the Amsterdam Diamond is a 33.74-carat pear shaped pure black diamond. In all its beauty, the 67.50 carat Black Orlov is suspended from a diamond necklace, and set on a stunning diamond brooch which is surrounded by 108 white diamonds.

Leibish Black Diamonds

LEIBISH prides itself in its large selection of color diamonds, including black diamonds. There are jewelry pieces displaying black diamonds, both heated and unheated, to accommodate a range of budgets. Similarly, there are many diamond sizes and shapes, from a 1-carat fancy black emerald cut diamond to a 6.13-carat fancy black radiant shaped diamond, and many sizes and shapes in between.

Buy your Natural Fancy Black Diamonds from LEIBISH

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