The Rob Red Diamond

The pear-shaped, 0.59 carat, Fancy Intense Red, VS1 clarity Rob Red diamond has been described by a fancy color expert as “the most saturated and purest red diamond measured visually and instrumentally to date in the world.” Named after its owner, Mr. Robert Bogel, the stone was presumably found in Brazil.

Red diamonds are universally considered the most rare diamonds on Earth - that makes them pretty rare when you think about how rare diamonds are in general! Unlike with other color diamonds that are more abundant and can generally be found in larger sizes, Red diamonds are usually pretty small when discovered. Like many other color diamonds, Fancy Red diamonds can be found in one pure color or with secondary hues, which include Purplish, Brownish, and Orangy, although Red diamonds come in one intensity level alone: Fancy Red. Most of the red diamonds that are mined in the present day are found in Kimberley, Western Australia in the Argyle Mines. It is thought that the Rob Red is the only red diamond in the world with the highest color grading of Fancy Intense Red, making it unique among all red diamonds, in respect of color saturation and clarity. Consequently, the Rob Red diamond is deemed the most saturated and cleanest red diamond in existence in the world today. 

No red diamond has ever been discovered larger than 5.11 carats, which is the Moussaief Red, and only 3 red diamonds in existence weigh over 3 carats! 

Red diamonds are especially rare, which tends to result in high prices. As time goes by, the awareness for color diamonds in general and color diamonds as wise investments has increased significantly, which translates into a high demand for these beautiful natural gemstones. It is unclear how many potential rough red diamonds remain from their known sources. Therefore, the value of the Red diamond is constantly rising. The figures are high, but whatever the numbers are presently, they will grow significantly in the near future, especially as no new sources have been discovered. Unlike color diamonds such as Yellow and Pink diamonds, which are purchased by consumers, investors, and collectors, Red diamonds are mainly bought by collectors and investors for the purpose of investment and completing collections. 

Shop the LEIBISH Natural Fancy Red diamond collection

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