The Pink Sunrise Diamond

The Pink Sunrise diamond is a 29.78 carat Fancy Pink Internally Flawless (IF) modified heart shape Type IIa diamond. It is perhaps thus named because its beautiful pink shade is reminiscent of the gorgeous shades of pink that appear when the sun rises in the morning.


Aside from the diamond's physical characteristics, everything else about the diamond remains a complete mystery. Its early history, such as the date of discovery, country of origin, mine of origin, original owners, and circumstances of its discovery are all entirely unknown. The closest guess to venture is that it came from one of the mines that are known to produce pink diamonds, as pink diamonds do not occur in every diamond mine in the world. In fact, the different mines are known for a particular color, usually do to the geological composition of the kimberlite pipelines under the Earth's surface. For example, the diamond mine in Sierra Leone is especially known for its yellow diamonds, specifically vivid yellow diamonds (they have even earned their own name for when they originate from this mine, and are called Zimmis). It is possible that this diamond came from India, where the two largest and most famous pink diamonds came from, the Darya-I-Nur and the Nur-Ul-Ain. It is also possible that it came from Southern Africa, or even Australia, where most of today's pink diamonds are mined. The majority of pink diamonds are mined by Rio Tinto in their Argyle Mine in Kimberley, Western Australia.

Cutting and Polishing

However, what we do know is that the Pink Sunrise was cut by famed diamond cutter Gabi Tolkowsky, and its cutting and polishing took more than an year despite the rough diamond's small size and carat weight.The diamond was finally unveiled at the beginning of the 21st century. Tolkowsky also cut the Centenary diamond, hence the similar modified heart shape between the Centenary diamond and the Pink Sunrise. The Centenary diamond was mined in De Beers' Premier mine in South Africa, and is the largest colorless flawless diamond in the world today. According toTolkowsky, the "Pink Sunrise" was the first rare and unique historical diamond to be ready to appear at the beginning of the 21st century.


The Pink Sunrise is the 6th largest famous pink diamond in the world today, and although we do not know its worth, it is easy to imagine how much it would earn if it were sold, based on recent figures of pink diamonds at auction. In November 2013, the 59.60 carat Pink Dream sold for $82.3 Million - just imagine!Value

Shop the collection of LEIBISH Natural Fancy Pink Diamonds

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With a notorious reputation both for its beauty and its history at auction, the Pink Dream was rejected after it was sold to a consortium of buyers, who backed out due to lack of desire to pay.

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The Florentine was once the great yellow diamond of the Medici Family. Fancy Diamonds is a GIA certified leading online diamond store selling colored diamonds.