The Leibish Prosperity Pink - 1.68ct Vivid Argyle Pink Diamond

The Meaning Behind the Lucky Number 168

Many clients of the Chinese persuasion strongly believe that specific numbers have lucky meaning. One of the luckiest combinations of numbers in the Chinese language is 168, pronounced as "yi1 liu4 ba1" meaning "one-six-eight". The numbers rhyme with yāo liù bā” which is translated to “Forever Wealthy.” The term in Chinese sounds very similar to the words "一路發" pronounced as "yi1 lu4 fa1". Translated into the English language, “yi1 lu4 fa1” loosely means "to keep being rich”, “to keep making money”, “want smooth prosperity”, or "road to prosperity”.

LEIBISH, one of the world’s leading online resources for fancy colored diamonds, is fortunate to deal with some of the most beautiful diamonds in the world on a daily basis.

 Shmulik Polnauer louping the 1.68-carat, Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink, Radiant-shaped diamond

Shmulik Polnauer louping the Leibish Prosperity Pink Diamond. A 1.68-carat Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink, Radiant-shape

Similar to many other industries, the company attends various diamond exhibitions, events, and tradeshows. In 2011, Shmulik Polnauer, LEIBISH’s GG GIA Chief Buyer, took part in the exclusive Argyle Pink Diamond Tender. The tender is an invitation only event, where the attendants are allotted the opportunity to submit a single bid on the very best Pink diamonds or Red diamonds extruded from the Argyle mine of Australia that year. The highest bid for each stone wins. LEIBISH was very excited to learn that they had won six of the 55 stones tendered.


The Leibish Prosperity Pink Diamond, 1.68-carat, Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink, Radiant-shaped diamond

The Leibish Prosperity Pink Diamond, 1.68-carat Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink

Leibish and Shmulik Polnauer

Leibish and Shmulik Polnauer with the Leibish Prosperity Pink Diamond

Shmulik Polnauer made the decision to re-polish one of the stones he won in this year’s tender. The stone was originally a 1.71-carat, Fancy Intense Purplish Pink, Radiant-shaped diamond. By re-cutting the stone, he managed, losing only three points, to significantly upgrade the color intensity. Now, LEIBISH is delighted to be the proud owners of the 1.68-carat, Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink, Radiant-shaped diamond.

 Shmulik Polnauer with the 1.68ct FVPUP RAD

Shmulik Polnauer Louping The Leibish Prosperity Pink Diamond, 1.68-carat, Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink

Polnauer said “The exceptional size of the 1.68-carat stone with such pure vivid color saturation is in of and itself a rarity. We haven’t seen a vivid Argyle pink diamond over 1.5 carats for a long time in the market. The reddish color flashes and the exiting strawberry touch are unique markers of a real Australian Argyle Pink diamond. With its combined magic and lucky number 168, recognized by those of the Asian persuasion as a “Road to Prosperity,” we decided to call this amazing stone The Leibish Prosperity Pink Diamond.”

Specifics of this magnificent stone are noted below:

  • Diamond Weight: 1.68 Carats
  • Diamond Color: Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink
  • Diamond Shape: Radiant
  • Diamond Clarity: I1
  • Diamond Measurements: 7.03x6.37x4.55
  • Diamond Total Depth: 71.4%
  • Diamond Intensity: Fancy Vivid
  • Diamond Polish: Very Good
  • Diamond SymmetryGood
  • Diamond Certificate GIA & Argyle


This stone was Lot# 6 of this year’s, 2011 Argyle Pink Diamond Tender. It is one on largest Argyle vivid pinks available in today's market.

 1.68-carat, Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink ARGYLE, Radiant-shaped Diamond + GIA Certificate

1.68-carat, Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink ARGYLE, Radiant-shaped Diamond + GIA Certificate

Polishing the PinkPolishing the Pink

Polishing the Leibish Prosperity Pink Diamond

Even some of the most precious stones have been re-polished by experienced diamontiers who see the potential to reveal an even greater quality diamond. For example, in 2008 Laurence Graff purchased the Wittelsbach diamond, a 35.56-carat, Fancy Deep Grayish Blue diamond with VS2 clarity, from Christie’s auction for $24.3 million. Graff re-cut the diamond, losing 4.45-carats, to 31.06-carats in order to remove damage to the girdle and enhance the color. That stone, which was renamed to the Wittelsbach-Graff, is now a Fancy Deep Blue, Internally Flawless stone.

1.68ct, Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink, the Leibish Prosperity Pink Diamond1.68ct, Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink, the Leibish Prosperity Pink Diamond1.68ct, Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink, the Leibish Prosperity Pink Diamond
The Prosperity Pink Diamond - a 1.68-carat, Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink, Radiant

Interestingly enough, the term used in the diamond industry when any diamond exchange is made is “Mazal.” The translation from Hebrew to English “Luck”, “Prosperity”, and “Success” has the very same meaning that is taken from the Chinese 168.

Aside from its obviously extreme rarity and exquisite beauty, this 1.68-carat, Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink, Radiant-shaped diamond is now considered by many to be a true sign of a path to prosperity.


The Leibish Prosperity Pink ring

The Leibish Prosperity Pink set in a ring

For more information regarding this amazing 1.68ct Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink, please don't hesitate to contact us at:


Phone:  Toll free 1-855-LEIBISH , international 972-3-6132122

The "Lebish Prosperity Pink" was mentioned in many important magazines and papers, here are a few of those articles:

The New- York Post  

 Business insider

The business insider


Jewelry News Asia

Jewellery News Aisa on The Leibish Prosperity Pink

The Israel Diamond Industry

IDI Blogs About The Leibish Prosperity Pink (Rapaport)

Rapaport on The Leibish Prosperity Pink

Idex online

Idex Magazine- The leibish Prosperity Pink


Contributor: Benji Margolese

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