Argyle's 35th Diamond Tender: Will It Be The Last?

The Argyle Tender is an exclusive and posh annual event that showcases the most exceptional Argyle Pink Diamonds mined each year. The invitation only Tender presents a unique opportunity for approximately 200 hand selected diamontaires to bid on 40 to 70 signature stones that are otherwise publicly unavailable."Argyle Pink Tender Diamonds are literally one in a million, as for every one million carats of rough diamonds produced from the mine, only one polished carat is offered for sale at the Tender" says Rio Tinto's Argyle Diamond company.

Referred to as the most exclusive diamond sale in the world, the very first Tender took place back in 1984 and offered 33 stones, with a total weight of just over 18 carats. This year's Tender will feature a total of 64 diamonds, weighing 56.28 total carats. The collection, entitled “The Quest for the Absolute,” will showcase 6 “hero” diamonds, including two Fancy Red diamonds, each one weighing more than 1 carat.

The "Heroes" Are:

Lot 1: Argyle Enigma™,1.75 carat modified radiant Fancy Red diamond
Lot 2: Argyle Amari™, 1.48 carat heart shaped Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink diamond
Lot 3: Argyle Elysian™, 1.20 carat modified cushion shaped Fancy Vivid Pink diamond
Lot 4: Argyle Verity™,1.37 carat oval shaped Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink diamond
Lot 5: Argyle Opus™, 2.01 carat round shaped Fancy Intense Pink diamond
Lot 6: Argyle Avenoir™, 1.07 carat oval shaped Fancy Red diamond

Argyle Tender 2019 Heroes

Argyle Tender 2019 Heroes

The 2019 Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender is being showcased in Perth, Hong Kong and New York, with bids closing on 9 October 2019.

Last year Rio Tinto reported that many records were broken in the price per carat, and we expect to see these records broken once again this year. “With the life cycle of this extraordinary mine approaching its end, we have seen, and continue to see, unstoppable demand for these truly limited-edition diamonds and strong value appreciation,” Rio Tinto Copper and Diamonds CEO Arnaud Soirat said in a press release. 

LEIBISH is pleased to be of the select few to be invited to attend this exclusive annual event and is excited to be participating in this year's historic 35th Argyle Tender, which will in all likelihood be one of the last ever.


* Are you interested in acquiring an Argyle Tender stone? Contact our Diamond Specialists today for more information.

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