Purchasing Colored Diamond Wholesale

Like in any other industries, there are those who are in the market for the lowest diamond prices around and keep their eyes peeled for wholesale items. Many diamond dealers are constantly searching for diamond sources with the largest selections and the most competitive prices.


Some of the key points LEIBISH offers on top of wholesale diamond prices to those looking for these types of benefits are:


  • Private Account Managers Per Client
  • Largest Online Fancy Colored Diamond Inventory
  • High Resolution Images and Video
  • GIA Certification on our loose diamonds
  • Temporary Removal From the Site While Offered (if requested by trade members)


Still, both inside and outside of the trade the key to buying diamonds for the most attractive prices is by purchasing them from the right dealer. This way you are sure to get great value for your money spent. Here are some tips regarding what to look for in a dealer.


A Dealer Who Owns the Stone


This title may seem like a given, but in the world of diamonds, it is not at all. There are a number of reasons it is critical to purchase a stone from a dealer who owns the diamond you are contemplating.


Many large companies may come across as impressive and attractive, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty such as buying an actual beautiful colored diamond, it will cost you a pretty penny because the diamonds need to be acquired from outside sources. A company that owns the diamond will have more flexibility to adjust the price if possible.


 Diamond Jewelry Layout

LEIBISH's jewelry designer adjusting a diamond layout of a piece of jewelry

When owning the stones, there is a wider selection of high-quality stones to select for the perfect piece


Any company that is selling you a stone that they actually own, means that they first inspected the diamond and decided it was good enough to add to their collection. When a company like that sells you a stone, it means that they are willing to put their name behind the diamond. Unlike a dealer who sells stones that never have and never will belong to their organization.


Finally, when it comes to comparisons to other stones, asking for more images, or even possibly discussing returns or exchanges only a company that owned the stone can offer any of those extra benefits.


A Dealer with the Right Connections


You might find it odd that connections are relevant in the diamond industry but they absolutely are. Businesses that have been around for quite some time have been able to nurture the right connections over time. This enables a much shorter distance between the source of the stones and the client, resulting in much lower diamond costs and better diamonds that are selected. Therefore, a well-established diamond company with a solid reputation will probably be able to offer more affordable and worthwhile prices than newer and less established institutions. Furthermore, when it comes to wholesale prices, whether that specific company manufactures the product or not, they might be able to offer wholesale prices because of the quantities that they acquire the products and from whom they make the purchase from.


A Dealer who Really Knows their Products


Especially with colored diamonds, knowing and understanding the products is of the utmost importance. Unlike colorless stones that are sold according to a general price list, colored diamonds are entirely unique. Each one needs to be assessed on its own as a one-of-a-kind product. Any one colored diamond can be significantly worth more of less than a similar stone of the very same color. Furthermore, someone who adequately understands the stones will know what other similar options may be available in the market and which diamonds should be considered collector’s items.


 Leibish Polnauer inspects his diamonds

An image of Leibish Polanuer, the President and Founder of LEIBISH, inspecting a beautiful Heart-shaped diamond


Just as important as knowing how to locate the right dealer, it is also important to know how to locate the right stone. Here are some tips regarding what to look for in the stones and when diamonds can be more affordable than others.

Yellow Diamonds Wholesale


In general, Yellow Diamonds are more affordable than other fancy colored diamonds, and depending on the intensity, are sometimes less expensive than colorless diamonds with a similar quality. It is for this reason that Yellow Diamonds, especially smaller, lighter stones with secondary hues can be found more easily at attractive prices.

 1.05 Carat, Fancy Vivid Yellow Diamond, Emerald, IF

A 1.05-Carat Fancy Vivid Yellow Diamond


Still, because they are so rare, finding them priced legitimately is essential to ensure you are making a worthwhile investment. This goes right back to shortening the distance between the manufacturer and retailer. Furthermore, it goes without saying that only a company that has been around for some time, and offers a wide selection of natural fancy yellow diamonds, will have the experience required to offer the stones at the best prices available.


Pink Diamonds Wholesale


As a result of their rarity, pink diamonds tend to be priced quite higher within the fancy color diamond scale. Although, it depends on the intensity of the color and the color combination within the stone, the cost can sometimes be quite surprising. A Pink Diamond of a significant size and with high color intensity will cost more, pretty much anywhere you go. However, when you approach a diamond dealer with an extensive Pink Diamond collection there is a higher chance that you will find a Pink Diamond for a highly competitive price.  When you go to a large diamond source with a wide selection of high quality stones, you will be assured that your money is well spent.

 0.16 Carat, Fancy Intense Purplish Pink Diamond, Pear, SI1

A 0.16-Carat Fancy Intense Purplish Pink Diamond


Bottom Line


At the end of the day, you want to do your research, and you want to do it right. The more you know, the less of a chance something will get past you, and you will therefore get the most for your money. When bought from the right source, the prices of colored diamonds may have you pleasantly surprised.  Fantastic wholesale prices as well as other benefits can be had when selected from a dependable and trustworthy merchant.


Read more about diamonds as an investment.

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