I Flushed Down My Engagement Ring!

Unfortunately, accidentally flushing down ones jewelry is somewhat of a common occurrence. No, it's not some ugly fad, but rather, a misfortunate event that happens even to the best of us from time to time. 

We're talking about engagements rings, earrings, pendants, and any other piece of jewelry, which can accidentally be flushed down the toilet! It may sound like a bad joke, or the premise of a corny TV show, but people often remove their jewelry when washing up before bed, and rings can sometimes become loose and decide to slip off of one's finger at exactly the wrong time. Of course there are other crazy ways in which this can happen as well. Here are some accounts of this strange yet real situation and what you can do to salvage your sentimental and valuable pieces of jewelry.

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

This story occurred three years ago in Canada when Cohen Jacobsen, then two years old, decided to flush several important pieces of jewelry down the toilet. The jewels, which included an engagement ring, a pendant, a wedding band, and a pair of diamond earrings, had been left next to the bathtub. When his parents, Dani and David, approached him hours later after searching high and low for the jewelry pieces, he responded that he had flushed them all down the toilet. Dani and David Jacobsen are not wealthy individuals and took the loss very hard. They took apart the toilet and did everything in their power to locate the jewels, including hiring a company to clean out the septic tank. Despite the immense efforts, they failed to retrieve the flushed items. Fast-forward three years and the Jacobsens decided to sell their home. They were required to clean out the septic tank, and Jacob Starnyski, the part owner of the company hired to do the job, took it upon himself to see if he could find the missing jewels despite the time that had elapsed since they were last seen. Thanks to his careful and diligent efforts, the engagement ring and pendant were successfully discovered.

Somehow, over time, they had made their way out of a hidden line and were left there glittering once the tank had been emptied. Dani claims that while she is thrilled to have found her engagement ring, the pendant has even more sentiment, since David gave it to her after she had suffered a miscarriage. The couple is still hopeful that the other missing jewels, the wedding band and the diamond earrings, will appear one day, even though they have sold their old home.

All’s Well That Ends Well

Everyone knows the importance of an engagement ring, and its value for that matter. However, even those who love their rings more than words can express can make mistakes, especially when they are new to the whole "owning an engagement ring" role. Carissa Wolter from California was shocked and appalled when she discovered that she had accidentally flushed the tissues containing her diamond engagement ring and diamond earrings down the toilet.

Luckily for her, her husband-to-be was cool and calm, even after staying up all night taking apart the toilet. When that didn't work, they called the sewer company, which was happy to help the young couple find their expensive lost jewelry. With a lot of hard work, the rings and earrings were found.

While discovering that your beloved ring or other jewelry has been flushed down the toilet can come as quite a shock, there is always something that can be done. The key is to act as quickly as possible so that even if a mistake was made, there will be enough time to undo it. Make sure to keep tabs on your ring at all times and don't let it out of your sight for long.

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