How Much is a 2-Carat Diamond Ring Worth? Complete Cost Guide

There was a time with brides were thrilled with receiving a quarter carat diamond engagement ring. Any diamond was not only an investment but represented a long time of saving up for the groom. In times past, the rule was to save up 3 months salary for the diamond ring. Today the thinking is more along the lines of balancing what the bride wants with the couple’s overall budget. 

Over the years diamond sizes in engagement rings have become larger too. That can be a reflection on women seeing (and loving!) the super-sized diamond rings that popular celebrities flaunt.  Social media and other celebrity coverage has influenced the perception that bigger is better!

2-carat Fancy Light Yellow Oval Halo Diamond Engagement Ring

Of course, there’s a definite allure to a larger diamond. Nowadays, the 2-carat diamond size is extremely popular. There are so many factors that affect the diamond price, however. They include the cut, the color, the carat weight, and the clarity, of course. Also, a great price disparity is seen between lab-grown diamonds and natural earth-mined diamonds.

If you’re like many shoppers who are wondering, “How much is a 2-carat diamond?” you’re not alone. So, let’s check on a 2-carat diamond ring cost. 

Understanding 2 Carat Diamonds

The term ‘carat’ can be confusing to some, especially those just starting their diamond search. Carat actually refers to the weight of the diamond—not the size. That said, there is some conformity between diamond weights and their sizes.

Often, diamond retailers will discuss the weight of carats and size with round diamonds. This is called a ‘round brilliant diamond’. A well-cut modern 2-carat round diamond should be in the range of 8.1mm. Diamonds are measured for size in millimeters—measuring across their widest part.  A 1-carat round diamond (contrasted to a 2-carat stone) is often 6.5mm in diameter. So you can visualize the size difference.

You are probably wondering, “What is a 2-carat diamond price?”  Keep in mind a 2-carat diamond will not be twice the price of the same quality 1-carat stone. This is because there are a greater number of smaller diamond crystals found. But the larger crystal used for a 2-carat diamond is much rarer, and therefore, the price will reflect that rarity.

Factors Affecting the Price of a 2-Carat Diamond

It’s not enough to go by the carat size when pricing a 2-carat diamond—or any other size diamond. There are so many factors that weigh into the price of a 2-carat diamond. And within those factors, even very slight variations can affect the price of the diamond.

Here are the main traits to consider when looking at the price of a diamond—of any carat size.

Cut Quality

The word cut, in this case, does not mean its shape—like a round or pear shape. In this case, diamond cut refers to the quality of all the polishing and cutting work done on the stone. For example, a symmetrical cut will handle light better, allowing for light reflected back to the eye—and thus produce more brilliance. A well-proportioned stone is also much more pleasing to the eye. So, the ideal depth-to-width ratio of an emerald cut is more appealing and thus makes the stone more valuable. These are but a few examples of what a good cut entails.


The highest designation for a colorless diamond is D—this is highly sought after because very few diamonds actually have a D grade. The lower the number of the Color category, the more body color that stones exhibit, and this impacts value.


Another important diamond grading feature is clarity. Diamonds are a natural earth-mined product. As such, they often have some clarity issues. They may have internal blemishes or ‘flaws’ which are completely normal to this authentic stone. As a matter of fact, the inclusions seen in a diamond are one way for the stone to be identified. But too many, their placement, and their darkness all affect value as well.

How much is a 2-carat diamond?

Cost of a 2-carat diamond? Let’s check it out.

Since we mentioned all the various factors affecting diamond pricing, it’s impossible to set a specific price range for a 2-carat diamond. That said, an internet search reveals prices for a 2-carat diamond starting as low as $8,000, but it may climb to around $58,000. It all depends on the combination of grades we mentioned here. These are called the 4Cs of diamond quality: Color, Cut, Clarity, and Carat Weight.

Price ranges for different clarity and color grades for a 2-carat diamond 2024
Price ranges for different clarity and color grades for a 2-carat diamond 2024

Added to the 4Cs that affect pricing, diamond values also vary by the shape of the stone. Some stones are much more popular, such as the traditional round brilliant diamond. This is because the facet arrangement of this shape offers the most sparkle of any shape. Other diamond shapes are not so popular anymore—like the princess shape which saw enormous acceptance in the late 1980s.

The following list will provide you with a general range of prices you may find with a good quality modern cut 2-carat diamond. This general guide may change over time as diamond prices fluctuate. But here, you will find a price range for several of the most popular diamond shapes today.

$9,000 -- $55,000 = round brilliant cut diamond

$7,500 -- $28,300 = cushion cut diamond

$8,500 -- $33,270 = emerald cut diamond

$8,300 -- $33,000 = oval shaped diamond

$8,000 -- $33,800 = heart shaped diamond

$8,000 -- $42,400 = pear shaped diamond

Comparing Mined vs. Lab-Grown 2 Carat Diamonds

As recently as five years ago, many consumers were unfamiliar with the existence of lab-grown diamonds, also known as LGD. But today, just about any consumer knows the basic information about LGDs. On the plus side, an LGD offers a big bang for the buck. Brides can consider huge stones they never dreamt of previously.

On the downside—these sparklers have literally no resale value. One of the perks of buying a natural diamond is that it can be resold or traded up for a larger diamond later on. That’s actually a common tradition among couples of all ages. Later on, or at certain anniversaries, a couple will trade up their original diamond for a larger one. Unfortunately, that is not possible with an LGD.

To give you an example of the difference between a 2-carat LGD and a 2-carat mined diamond, here are the latest prices. A 2-carat round mined diamond may cost anywhere from $9,000 to $58,000. But the same LGD may cost around $1,000 in today’s market. Prices for LGD are rapidly dropping due to overproduction and a slight veering away from manufactured stones.

Comparison of prices between mined and lab-grown 2-carat diamonds
Comparison of prices between mined and lab-grown 2-carat diamonds

Buying Tips for a 2-Carat Diamond

Study all the pricing factors of diamonds before you go shopping. You will discover which trait is more important to you ---and which factor you care less about. For example, you may decide that the color (the higher the rarer) is your top preference. That means its more important than the diamond size. But perhaps you plan on getting a yellow or rose gold setting. In that case, you actually can select a bit lower color grade than you originally wanted. These warm gold settings will make your diamond appear as if it has a higher (D-E-F) color.

Or you may discover that the clarity issue is not a deal breaker for you. In some cases, even though a diamond has a lower clarity, the actual blemishes (inclusions) are not dark, or perhaps they are located on the side of the stone where they are not noticeable.

Go shopping armed with the qualities you have prioritized. And be flexible with the qualities that are not deal breakers. In the end, selecting your diamond will be an informed decision but one where your heart falls in love with a certain stone too. Let that happen and you’ll be forever happy with your choice.


What is the average price of a 2-carat diamond?

With so many variables, you can pay as little as $9,000 or closer to $58,000 in today’s market for a 2 carat round brilliant diamond.

How much is a 2-carat diamond engagement ring?

As diamond prices fluctuate depending on their quality components, the setting may vary too, depending on the style, the gold (or precious metal) weight and any other diamonds added. Prepare to spend another $1,000 to $7,500 on the setting.

LEIBISH 2.16ct Fancy Light Yellow Cushion Halo Diamond Ring Set

What affects the cost of a 2-carat diamond?

The quality of the cut, the shape of the stone, its clarity, and the body color (or lack of body color) all play a role in determining the final price of a 2 carat diamond.

Is a 2-carat diamond worth the investment?

A 2-carat diamond is a very popular size and highly desirable today. It has good investment potential for reselling or trading up overtime.

How much does a 2-carat VS1 diamond cost?

Today, a 2-carat VS1/E round brilliant diamond is around $34,000.

How does the cut of a 2-carat diamond impact its value?

The cut grade is one of the most noticeable traits and has a great impact on its overall beauty and value.

How much is a 2-carat diamond compared to a 1.5 carat?

While a 2-carat VS1/E round brilliant may cost around $34,000, a 1.5-carat of the same quality is closer to $25,000.

What is the best setting style for a 2-carat diamond?

While a 2-carat diamond would look gorgeous in many ring styles, with its prominent size, many brides select a simple solitaire style setting to let the big size and the beauty of the diamond shine through.


Now you have a much better answer to “How much is a 2-carat diamond?”

Buying a 2-carat diamond is an important decision and one that should be made after you do some homework. Learning how each of the 4Cs affects the value of a diamond will help you form the perfect choice when you actually go shopping. 

Once you have familiarized yourself with all the quality traits that affect a diamond’s value and determine which ones are your priority, then it's time to go shopping. Set a budget and stick to it where possible. But remember that this stone is also full of personal meaning and will be a cherished item that you wear for the rest of your life. So a little flexibility is also in order. Happy shopping!

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