Argyle Pink Diamond Tiara Sold to Linneys

Those of us who have dreamed of owning the 20-carat Argyle Pink Diamond Tiara can keep on dreaming. Australian jewelry retailer Linneys bought the rare jeweled piece of art.

Designed by the Royal Jeweler Asprey of London a few years back, the Argyle tiara displays 178 rare Argyle pink diamonds. Diamonds found form within the Argyle mine in Australia are known to have the most vivid pink color saturation from any pink diamonds mined. One can imagine that of any jewels to be used when designing such a luxurious tiara, Argyle diamonds would be on the top of the list.

The tiara is one of the most significant pieces of pink diamond jewelry in history. The headpiece has managed to capture the past, present, and future in one magnificent item by combining traditional style with a modern day coveted stone, which might not be around for much longer. The center stone of this unbelievable piece of art is actually a detachable ring that can easily be removed from the tiara at any point. Meaning, even when it is not worn as a luxurious head piece, parts of it can still be admired and utilized as magnificent diamond jewelry.

The Argyle mine in Kimberley, Australia is predicted to end its production in approximately eight years.  Some say the mine produces approximately 90% of the world’s pink diamonds, while others place that estimation closer to 70%.  However, no one disagrees that the various colors found in the Argyle mine, such as Pink, Blue, Brown, and Yellow are of the nicest and most fascinating 100% natural colored diamonds around. This means that unfortunately, creations such as the Argyle Tiara will doubtfully be created again.

 Argyle Pink Diamond Collection

Since its Australian tour, which began last year, where it served as the centerpiece for the Objects of Desire collection, the tiara has been moved from the showroom at Linneys in Burswood to Westfield Sydney to be displayed to the public.  Diamond enthusiasts as well as random individuals marvel at the unique beauty of the tiara.

After having displayed the majestic tiara twice, Linneys came to the conclusion that it was an Australian symbol like no other and must be purchased. The Argyle Pink Diamond Tiara sold for $2 million and will be showcased at Westfield throughout the month of April. 

Linneys’ 2012 marketing campaign includes targeting prospective buyers for the pink diamond masterpiece.  Linneys Jewelry Company is located in Sydney, Perth, and Broome.

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