"I Do" Love June

June is upon us, which means we are leaving spring behind and welcoming summer in all its glory. Summer means lots of sunshine, good feelings and vacation days, which are all a great recipe for weddings. This is why June is the beginning of the most popular season for weddings worldwide. Individuals carefully and excitedly plan their weddings throughout the cold winter, after having gotten engaged around their beaming families at Christmastime, knowing that their weddings will be in a warm and beautiful environment after having sufficient time to plan and prepare. June weddings also implicitly mean that there are many June wedding anniversaries. Whether it is your first anniversary, fifth, tenth, or fiftieth anniversary that is being celebrated such a milestone always calls for a little bit of splurging. Whether it is a romantic getaway, a special piece of jewelry, or some other thoughtful gesture; it doesn’t really matter what it is as long as your important day is celebrated and relived again and again, year after incredible year. Here are a few ideas to prepare for wedding season, including wedding anniversaries.

Early Bird Gets the Worm

You may have chosen the best time of year to get married, but so have countless other brides and grooms! If you would like your celebration to be as perfect as possible, within your budget, and with your preference of vendors and venue, make sure you get on top of everything right away! Whether it is the venues, photographer, wedding dresses or makeup artists, the best are always grabbed up first and it would be wise to get them committed to you before they are grabbed up by someone else! It is also advisable to purchase everything you will need for the wedding ahead of time so that it is not snatched up before you get to it, including everything from wedding favors and decorations to your dream wedding jewelry! See wedding bands you absolutely love? Make up your mind and get them before someone else does!

*Insider tip: ask the jeweler who sold you your engagement ring if they sell wedding bands as well- many will offer a deal for repeat customers! We certainly do at LEIBISH!

 A collection of LEIBISH wedding bands

A collection of LEIBISH wedding bands, the type of Anniversary gift that is traditionally given

Keeping Within Budget

Weddings are already an expensive affair, but by adding the popular season factor to it, you may have hefty expenses to tackle. The best way to avoid any unwelcome surprises and exceeding your budget is by making a list with your absolute must-haves. Once you have finalized what you consider to be the necessities, you can then move on to extras, and keep those fairly modest. If you still have money left over by the time you have finished factoring in all the remaining expenses, you may then choose upgrade your secondary selections to more elaborate options. Getting married during wedding season has its advantages and disadvantages, and higher prices are some of the minuses of marrying during such a popular time. You may wish to choose to prioritize something that you will keep forever, like your wedding bands or wedding dress, rather than something like flowers which will not last longer than that evening.

*Insider tip: Remember, you can’t have it all. However, at the end of the night you will be left with many amazing memories, your new spouse, and the promises that you have now made to each other when you exchanged rings.

June Anniversaries

Your wedding day will always be close to your heart, and irreplaceable, but you can definitely relive those feelings every year if you choose! A beautiful outing can remind you of your wedding venue, while a stunning piece of jewelry can be a reminder of the beauty of your relationship and the promise of the future. First, try to be in touch with the essence of the day, and only then try to bring it alive with the right destination, activity, gift, or thought.

*Insider tip: If done correctly and with love, the impact of your thoughtfulness will speak for itself, no matter what you do! But when in doubt - she wants diamonds!

The LEIBISH 3.61 carat Fancy Purplish Pink diamond 3 stone platinum ring

The LEIBISH 3.61 carat Fancy Purplish Pink diamond 3 stone platinum ring

As exciting as they are, these summer months can be overwhelming with the bustle of it all. In order to stay calm and enjoy this special time, make sure you are as organized as can be. If June or July is your wedding anniversary month, take a little time beforehand to do some research regarding the best way to commemorate your special day. LEIBISH will be having a wedding anniversary sale mid June, so keep your eyes peeled for irresistible deals on gorgeous jewelry! Happy June and enjoy celebrating this incredible season of love and hope.

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