10 Inspiring Jewelry Bloggers to Follow on Instagram

Once upon a time, if you were a jewelry enthusiast, you would purchase as many jewelry, women’s, and fashion magazines as possible, along with various catalogues from jewelry stores, in order to get your fix. Now, thanks to the Internet, getting your hands on all that eye candy is so much easier.

Social media almost makes it too easy, by serving it to you in your feed on a silver platter. All you have to do is open an account and know who to follow. The rest is simple. You open the app whenever you feel like it and bask in the glorious photos of stunning jewels. The question is, who should you follow? Well, you could obviously follow us @leibishandco and although that might suffice, why limit yourself? Below we will let you know who the most active, knowledgeable, and consistent jewelry bloggers that will provide you with a wide range of jewelry pieces with as much information as possible are. Here is a short roundup of the most inspiring jewelry bloggers on Instagram.

@frankbeverett – How could one begin a list of the greatest influencers in the jewelry realm without mentioning the sales director of Sotheby’s jewelry department? This Instagram account will allow you to take a peek at the phenomenal jewelry that passes through his office before it is put up for auction.

@gemgossip – It is safe to say that @gemgossip now has the leading jewelry blog on the Web. What can you expect to find on her Instagram account? All sorts of jewels that Danielle Miele of Gem Gossip sees on her travels.

@Christiesjewels – Another iconic auction house that fills its Instagram feed with stunning pictures of mouth-watering gems is Christie’s. You will get to check out some of the most incredible pieces that are up for auction. One famous example is the Oppenheimer Blue diamond, which sold for over $57 million about a year and a half ago.

@museshowroom – As a showroom that specializes in international designers. Muse takes us along for a very exciting jewelry ride where pieces by jewelers such as Holly Dyment, Nikos Koulis, and Yossi Harari can be viewed.

@katerina_perez – Katerina is one of the biggest influencers in the world of fine jewelry. The Russian-born former editor of a jewelry column for a lifestyle magazine transformed her hobby of jewelry blogging into being a universal authority on all things jewelry related.

@jenniferfisherjewelry – This jewelry designer-turned-Instagrammer has caught the eyes of jewelry lovers around the world with pictures of celebrities boasting her jewels, her catchy quotes, and creative posts featuring her chunky jewelry.

@diamondsinthelibrary – If you are a fan of modern jewelry, antique jewelry, or literature, Becky is the one to follow. She shares her personal journey of discovering jewelry by sharing pieces she loves with a great deal of passion and humor.

@kellyinthecity – Jewelry is just one of the categories you will find on this well-rounded Instagram account. She also features posts relating to photography, home decorating, and wedding planning.

@gemobsessed – Gemobsessed is all about what is in and who is wearing it. You will find all of the latest trends and see which celebrities are wearing them.

@gemologue – For something a bit different, follow @gemologue where you will be exposed to trendy urban styles, rare jewelry, and any and all jewelry that screams “vintage” or “fashion.”

Okay, I know I said I would give you 10, but there are others that absolutely must be mentioned! So let me just give a quick shout out to @champagnegem, @erikakwinters, and @jewellerymaven. You guys all rock (pun intended)!

If you’re looking to get your feet wet, jewelry speaking, following these bloggers and others like them will be a terrific starting point. A picture is worth a thousand words, so between the quality photos that are shared, along with the taglines and links to their blogs, you will be off to a fabulous start.

Obviously, you want to browse through the nicest goods, check out our jewelry collection and let us know what you like most.

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