About Natural Fancy White Diamonds

Natural Fancy White diamonds are beautiful opaque white colored diamonds. The term ‘white diamonds’ is often used by members of the trade and many others when referring to the standard transparent, colorless diamonds. However, they are not transparent and colorless like people mistakenly understand.  Fancy White diamonds are the natural phenomenon of color diamonds that display a strong white face-up color.

 0.62 carat Fancy White heart shaped diamond

0.62 carat Fancy White heart shaped diamond

Colored diamonds are an anomaly in the natural world. Colorless diamonds outnumber color diamonds at a rate of about 10,000 to 1. Diamonds can come in many different naturally occurring colors, and the different colors occur due to different causes. White diamonds are diamonds that have a perceived color hue resembling white powder or refined sugar, and actually demonstrate an inherent opaque snow-white color. Unlike the characteristic cause in the rest of the colors of natural fancy color diamonds, the color white in fancy white diamonds is not the result of a compound element. They are actually colorless diamonds that contain a high concentration of submicroscopic inclusions that scatter light, yielding a distinctive frosty "milky" white face-up color. The nature of these submicroscopic inclusions is unknown, although they are thought to be the result of nitrogen within the diamond’s pure carbon structure.

4.02 carat Fancy White diamond ring and fancy pink diamond halo

4.02 carat Fancy White diamond ring and fancy pink diamond halo

As White is a neutral color, Natural Fancy White Diamonds are not measured by their level of saturation but rather designated only as Fancy White.  Fancy White diamonds are extremely clouded, and are not divided by degrees of clarity. Fancy white diamonds are quite difficult to find, although LEIBISH offers a selection in assorted shapes and carat weights.

0.64 carat Fancy White diamond

0.64 carat Fancy White diamond

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