Argyle's Largest Red Diamond Ever up for Sale

"This is the largest red that has ever come from the Argyle diamond mine," said Josephine Johnson, manager of the Argyle Pink Diamonds. "Never seen before, likely never seen again" she continued. The Argyle Phoenix, a 1.56-carat Fancy Red Diamond of unmatched red color saturation, is one of three red diamonds that will appear in this years annual Argyle Pink Diamond Tender.

The exclusive event comprises of 64 diamonds this year, including 58 pink stones, three blue, and the three fancy reds. Although, red diamonds were offered before, this is the first time in its 30-year history that three red diamonds will be included in the tender.

Argyle pink diamonds are considered the most concentrated form of wealth on earth, so it's no surprise a stone of this caliber is gaining the attention it deserves. Of the 75 Lots that were offered in the 2012 Argyle Pink Diamond Tender, LEIBISH was proud to come home with almost 25% of the tender diamonds offered, including LOT #4 which is a 0.29-carat Fancy Purplish Red diamond. 

Lot #5, a 0.80-carat Fancy Red oval, was one of the six Argyle Pink Tender Diamonds won in 2011, following six won in 2010 and one won in 2009. 

Although Rio Tinto's Argyle diamond mine produces roughly 20% of the world's rough, they are internationally recognized for their production of the finest quality of natural pink diamonds. The mine produces approximately 90% of the pink diamonds in the market, with those whose color achieve red certification seen as ultimate rarities.

"With a red diamond the color itself is extraordinary, but what really transcends the appeal of the color is just the outrageous rarity of something like this."

The Argyle 'Phoenix' red diamond was privately shown Friday, May 17 at a private viewing at a Sydney hotel. It will be shown again along with all the other tender pieces at invitation only tender meetings in Sydney, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Perth.

Even with Rio Tinto's recent announcement of the $2.2 billion dollar project of moving Argyle mining now underground, the mine is expected to only live through till' 2020. Hence, the excitement of presenting such a magnificent gem, especially since it may very well be the last time such a stone is found.

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