$15 Million 300-Carat Diamond Dress

Surprisingly enough, diamond dresses are not unheard of.  Nevertheless, this diamond dress has recently made headlines.  A $15 million cocktail dress consisting of 100 3-carat diamonds designed by Chloe and Reese was unveiled on April 25th at the American Gem Society’s Conclave Fashion Show in Miami.  Diamond wholesaler, Tov International, wanted to do something that was never done before and that is how this dress was created.  A total of eighty-five 3-carat diamonds adorn the bodice of the dress while an additional four diamonds decorate each sleeve.  To top it off, there are seven diamonds going down the back of the dress.

Though the concept of so many large stones used on a dress is most definitely intriguing, it is uncertain whether it is successful.  The dress is after all, a simple black dress that sparkles a bit.  Perhaps if the stones were colored diamonds, such as yellow, pink, green, or blue diamonds, it would be a bit more exciting.  Then, the contrast of the dress’s black material and the stones’ colors would be more striking. 

Other attempts at diamond dresses have been made, and although they did not include such a large quantity of significantly sized diamonds, they may have been more impressive.  Some of these dresses include a $12 million diamond wedding dress designed by Martin Katz and Renee Strauss, which display 150 carats worth of diamonds. The diamonds were laced carefully throughout the dress.  The result was a shimmering beauty. As the saying goes, sometimes less is more.

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