5 Tips for Taking the Perfect Engagement Ring Picture

Yellow Diamond Engagement Ring

A yellow diamond Leibish engagement ring

In the age where anyone with a smartphone can become an amateur photographer, it seems like taking a great shot of your new diamond engagement ring would be an easy feat. Yet, as we all know, there are photos and there are Photos. In order to turn your stunning piece of diamond art into a visual masterpiece that can be shared with your friends and family around the world, there are several things to ensure before beginning to snap away.

Pink diamond engagement ring

A Leibish pink diamond engagement ring

  1. Select a Contrasting Background – Although you probably want to photograph your new shimmering ring on your finger, it would only be wise to do so if you supply a proper contrasting background. Depending on your skin tone and the color of your ring, your hand may not be a sharp enough contrast for the ring to be seen at its best. Therefore, you should choose an elegant ring box, fabric, or even gift paper to put beneath your hand/ring so that it can truly be seen in all its glory.

  2. Perfect the Lighting – Even amateur photographers know that lighting is essential for capturing the ultimate photo. What you might not know is that diamonds photograph best in diffused light. Bright light such as direct sunlight will wash out the diamond, and you will not be able to see its shine and luster. Take a picture of your ring on a sunny day, but with the shades drawn or with indoor lighting that isn’t too bright.

  3. Last Minute Touches – Before you get your phone or camera ready to shoot the ideal picture, check to make sure your diamond is as clean as can be and is free from all smudges. The last things you want are fingerprints ruining the picture.

  4. Zoom In – We are blessed to have rather high quality cameras at our fingertips, but with all due respect to the latest smartphones, capturing the most minute details of an engagement ring takes a bit more than an average smartphone camera has to offer. One suggestion is to purchase a device called a macro that can be fastened onto your phone. At roughly $20 dollars, the lens clip allows you to take really close-up pictures, which is perfect for the task at hand. Alternatively, consider adding a professional camera to your collection. Even if you are not a photographer, beautiful photographs will help you remember the best times, people, adventures, and sentimental items you once owned. You may have to spend some time learning how to use it, but it’s definitely worth the hassle!

  5. Don’t Rush, Snap Away – The beauty of digital photos is that you can take a hundred of them at once and simply delete the bad ones. Don’t skimp on pictures. Take photos from all directions, switch up the backdrop, and even the lighting if you wish. Nothing is better than the real thing so you want your photo to get as close to it as possible. Once you have a nice bunch of pictures to sort through, pick your favorite and share away!

Yellow and white diamond wedding band

Yellow and white diamond wedding band

Orange diamond engagement ring

Alternative colored Leibish diamond engagement rings

Remember, these tips can be used to photograph other pieces of jewelry just as well. Have a look at a few of these images we managed to capture! 

A yellow diamond pednat

Other jewelry can be photographed as well, such as this beautiful yellow diamond pendant

Emerald earrings

Leibish emerald, yellow, and white diamond earrings

Getting engaged or being gifted a new piece of jewelry is extremely exciting and emotional. Although taking the perfect picture may not exactly be on your radar, it will give you a way to remember and share the excitement. If you take the time to get it right, not only will your loved ones be impressed, but you will also have a beautiful and respectable memento of your new ring.

Images photographed by Ben Yagbes

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